Mad #149 (Albert Feldstein) - Rats Issue - March 1972

One would think that a movie with Ernest Borgnine and a bunch of rats would be fodder for a hilarious Mad parody.  Such is not the case.  I decided not to see this movie (Willard) when it was released in 1971.  After reading the Mad parody ("Willies"), I knew that I had made the correct decision, even though some of the rats look like Mickey Mouse.

The best part of the issue was the parody name ("The Mary Tailor-Made Show") of The Mary Tyler Moore Show in "Truly Relevant TV Shows."  I did not find much humor in this issue.  Arnie Kogen and Al Jaffee tried to show us that Ralph Nader was funny, but everyone knows that Ralph is not funny.  And, who keeps letters in their wallet anyway?  Not me. [JAM 3/6/2010]

Surly Warning System - Road Signs We'd Like to Post
Don Martin - One Dark And Lonely Night; The Enterprising Young Amazon
Indecent Exposure - Truly Relevant TV Shows
Recalled from the Back Pocket - Ralph Nader's Wallet
Athletic Supporters - The Sports Spectators Hall of Fame
Joke And Dagger - Spy. vs. Spy
Berg's-Eye View - The Lighter Side of Dropping Out
Swear Today, Gone Tomorrow - Harry Grepser's New Year's Resolution
Focus-Pocus - A Mad Guide to Late Night Cliche Movie Props
Seniority Breeds Content - You Know You're Really Grown Up When
Crib Notes - Distinctive Birth Announcements
Inside-Ouch - A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Moving Company
Rat-Packing Them In - Willies

Fold-In - Ralph Nader