Tabloid Number (Fred L. Rogan) - Judge - May 7, 1927 - 32 pages

This is an elaborate and ambitious general parody of the tabloid-style magazines that were very popular in the 1920s.  The parody covers about the first twenty pages of this issue until the regular Judge features are gradually introduced.  Many of the fake articles were written by acclaimed humorist, S.J. Perelman.  Except for Perelman, it is hard to tell whether other articles were written by actual or fake contributor names.  The Judge team produced excellent parodies of the styles of competing and non-competing magazines.  The art and the photographs are consistently well presented.  The humor and jokes are typical of the age (i.e. not funny today).  However, the funniest portions of these old magazines are usually the paid advertisements for odd products.  [JAM 4/27/2021]

Front Cover - Guilty of Murder!/The Tabloid Number (drawing of murder victim, Oswold Snickergood and three suspects)
Inside Front Cover - Flays Love Cult as Tot Weeps by S.J. Perelman
1  Shaw Bites Peach!; The Weather: "Increasing fogginess among TABLOID readers.  Lots of wind and increasing hot air, including arson, mayhem, larceny, mnaslaughter and assault."
2  Mother of Six Babes Weeps!
3  The Girls Conquers Channel!; Pop and Plopp by Zopp (cartoon by Natey Collier)
4  Ashes of Love: Our Daily Original True Story by S.J. Perelman; Pow and Zow by Wow (cartoon by Natey Collier)
5  Musician Murdered!; Flees in B.V.D.s!; Your Birthday (horoscope) by Perelman
6  White Hot Hearts by Jack Shuttleworth; How To Earn Money at Home by Sara Desert; Arthur Hooey, Ballroom Authority in Some New Steps
7  Tabloid Outline of History by Parke Cummings; The Tabloid Doctor; Lonely Hearts; Boom and Wham by Zam (cartoon by Natey Collier)
8  Judging the Shows by George Jean Nathan; Laughs From Keith's by Jefferson MacHamer
9  Judging the Movies by William Morris Houghton; What I Know of Charlie Chaplin; Boy Friends Prefer Pretty Girl Friends to Homely Girl Friends! (drawing by Jeff Mac)
10 Our Daily Physical Culture Page by Fernarr MacBadden
11 Your Marriage Problems by Aimee Simple; Guffaws and Chuckles by Dorothy Van Huesen; Awk and Gawk by Zawk (cartoon by Natey Collier)
12 Tiger Beats Harvard! (sports)
13 Tunney KO's Coogan! (sports)
14 The Evening Tabloid
15 Uncle Sappy's Column; My Most Embarrassing Moment by Perelman; Crossword Puzzle
16 Doomed Slayer Awaits Gallows
17 Exclusive Photos of Chicago Election
18 Tabloid Pome by Gurney Williams, Jr; Billboard cartoon by Nate Collier: Wife cartoon by Barksdale Rogers; real ad for Gastrogen Tablets
19 Epilaughs; real ad for Anchor Line
20 Force of Habit, Or, All in a Day's Work by R,C. O'Brien; Subway cartoon by Lemuel McKee; Umbrella cartoon from London Opinion; real ad for Marlboro cigarettes
21 Real ad for Kelly-Springfield tires
22 You, Too, Can Be Popular by Joseph Fulling Fishman; A Rich Mans Darling? Never! Repulsed Irma (woodcut and text by Perelman); sophisticated cartoon by Lemuel McKee; real ad for Johnny Walker cigarettes
23 Funnybones; real ads for Reymer's candy and Silver Edge Raybestos Brake Lining
24 The Cheer Leaders (college humor); real ads for Neet, Old Town Canoes and Numismatic Co.
25 Swamp cartoon by Philippi & Norman; real ad for Wrigley's Spearmint: The Perfect Gum
26 High Heels by Judgette; cinema cartoon from London Opinion; real ads for Osteo-path-ik shoes, Gem Clippers Abbott's Bitters and The Landon School of Cartooning
27 The Cuckoo Islands by Nate Collier; real ad for The American Telephone and Telegraph Company
28 House Fire cartoon from London Opinion; real ads for Forhan's for the gums & Masterlite