Stuporman (Roy Thomas/Wally Wood) - Topps Krazy Little Comics 1967 (8 pages - 2.5" x 3.5")

On the front, our superhero, wearing a "$" on his chest, is deflecting bullets that hit four bystanders and a bird.

Page 2 - Lousy Laine has discovered Stuporman's secret identity while an airplane crashes outside the window.

Page 3 - With a framed photo of Badman and Ribbon, and a Krypton banner on the wall, Clerk Kant is caught in his underwear holding his super suit.

Page 4 - Clerk is afraid of heights.

Page 5 - Stuporman almost crashes into a rent-a-plane near "Cloud Nine."

Page 6 - Stuporman, wearing "Cape Cod," kicks over a garbage can full of cats near a man reading "World War III" newspaper headline.

Page 7 - Stuporman has another secret identity.  He's really "Captive America."  The jokes on us.

Page 8 - Fake ad for a $500 printing press that makes real-looking money.  Popeye is amused. 

OK Mr. Thomas, did you run out of ideas?  Wally tried his best but there was saving this story.  [JAM 1/13/2011]