squire (Sid Lerner and Stan Trachtenberg) - University of Syracuse - February 1951 - 46 pages

This is an excellent college parody of Esquire magazine for 1951.  The artwork is very good and the parody articles are just the right length to avoid becoming tedious.  The cover shows the Squire mascot watching television in "Squire's Perfect House" - a main feature of the parody.  Based on a note at the end of the magazine, this is probably the first parody magazine from the Syracuse humor publication.  There are a few good advertisement parodies.  The most interesting one is "Herby Fareyton Cigarettes" that features "Mr. Tar N. Lynch" in his KKK robe.  It is unlikely that such a parody would be published in today's racism-conscious world.  [JAM 7/12/2020]


Cover - Mr. Squire in his perfect house (drawing by Don Peterson)
1   Old Cold Cigarettes (ad parody; drawing by Don Peterson)
2   Herby Fareyton Cigarettes (ad parody; artist unknown)
3   Contents; Next Month in Squire
4   Talking Slop with Squire
6   Harem Cartoon (drawing by "E Simms Dumbbell")
7   Sex vs. TV by Stan Trachtenberg (drawing by Bob Davis)
8   Going Places with Squire
9   Jolley Short (ad parody)
10 Why Rodney? by Carl Leban (drawing by "Kirberger")
12 Bedroom Cartoon (drawing by "Foodini")
14 Hotel Lobby Cartoon (drawing by "McGay")
15 Pigs Knuckles au Naturale by Carl Leban (drawing by Sam Kunin)
16 Squire's Calendar for 1951
19 Father-daughter Cartoon (drawing by "beff")
20 Bullet Cure for the Bloodlust Brand by Don Peterson (drawing by Larry Parker)
22 There was a Tragedy by Carl Leban
23 There Was a Battle (drawing by Bob Davis)
25 The Squire Girl & Wedding Belle (drawings by Don Peterson)
27 Squire's Perfect House (drawings by Arnie Sachs)
30 Too Much Thinking Dulls the Brain by Stan Trachtenberg (drawings by Sam Kunin and "McKat")
31 Squire introduces Mr. "B" (drawings by Adrian Osterling)
34 Here's How To tie the Bamberger knot (artist unknown)
36 Tonight --- Love - Agatha by Charles McGeary (drawings by Bob Davis and "McKat")
40 The last man on Earth by Stan Trachtenberg (drawing by Larry Parker)
43 Restaurant Cartoon (drawing by "Perrer Arto")
46 A Note of Thanks (artist unknown)
Inside Back Cover - Staircase Cartoon (drawing by Don Peterson)