Sports Illustrated (Thomas R. Feran, Jr.) - Harvard Lampoon - 1974 - 112 pages

The best description of this parody is: "wordy".  There are some good fake sports stories but most of them are much too long for a wacky magazine parody.  I may be the only person in the western hemisphere who has actually read every word.  The theme of the issue is "Women in Sports" with a female baseball catcher on the cover wearing her cap and top backwards.  The Contents page promises more articles with a similar stories "next week": "Women in Torts", "Women on Spits" and "Women in Yurts" ("Today's women are spending more time in filthy, mud-daubed Mongolian huts.").  The world's best golfers are playing in a $15 million Ugandan tournament on a course designed by Idi Amin ("Uganda Win 'Em All").  A secret agent is trapped in a football stadium ("The Jets Take Off").  Amos Chowder goes fishing for elk ("Antlers on the Foam").  "Celebrity Boxing" features Jack Palance vs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth ("This Chump Was a Champ").  And, there are many, many more sports articles with pages and pages of text.  I like the idea that Nellie Fox would sculpt a "Bust of Alvin Dark" out of "wet chewing tobacco", but I did not need three pages of detailed description of other sports hobbies.  I suppose the editors thought they had to provide long articles to support the 56 full pages of paid advertisements - half of the issue - and not a single ad parody.  I appreciate clever stories and silly photographs but this editorial staff was just in it for the money.  [JAM 12/17/2016]

Front Cover - Women in Sports with female catcher and male batter
5 Contents
7 Letter from the Publisher by "Elmer Green"
9 Scorecard by "We Need a Name Here"
18 Uganda Win 'Em All by "Dan Jetsam"
22 The Jets Take Off by "Tex Tile"
26 Antlers in the Foam by "Frank Deformed"
30 Castles in the Air by "Coles Phrenzy"
34 Hear No Eli, See No Eli by "Roy Terrible"
38 Boxing: This Chump Was a Champ by "Clive Mammon"
43 Bowling: Thar's Gold in Them Thar Hills by "Curry Ritzcrackrick"
46 Conquering the Concrete by "Barry DeHatchett" (urban hiking)
54 Gyms Without Walls by "Pat Putput"
66 People by "Jeannette Juice"
68 Off the Deep End by "Mark Belboy"
70 A Blur of Red
74 The Last Notebooks of Cookie Lavagetto by "Robert W. Creamcorn"
80 Bridge: Men Have Died for Less
82 Women in Sports by "Whitman Tower"
86 Everywhere a Bang-Bang by "Robert F. Junebugs" (cow-hunting in Iowa) - drawing by Richard Egielski
90 Track And Field: Roamin' among the Ruins by "Curry Ritzcrackrick"
94 Wrestling: Coq Au Canvas by "John Underfed" (cockfighting)
97 Baseball: A Ball at the Park by " Herman Weisguy"
100 Badminton: Only God Can Beat a Tree by "Joe Spareus"
102 College Football: It Takes Two to Touchdown by "Jerry Kitchenbound"
107 For the Record
108 19th Hole: The Readers Take Over (letters)
Back Cover - Dodge (real ad)