Prayboy (Chris Kinard) - USMA Pointer - March 26, 1965 - 32 pages

It seems that every college humor magazine had to do a parody of Playboy in the 1960s, including the United States Military Academy.  Although all college editors faced some degree of censorship, the Pointer staff had to endure the scrutiny of Captain Irvin G. Katenbrink, officer-in-charge and Captain Al Johnston III, assistant-officer-in-charge.  And, it shows.  There is not a scintilla of risky behavior going on in this one.  The prime example of their editorial niceness is the two-page "On The Town" feature wherein Tricia Oswald and Bob Clover go for a walk and do some shopping in "Highland Falls, New York" until "... the sun bids a knowing and welcome farewell (and) our sophisticated couple wanders past a cluster of enchanting restaurants and quaint eateries" (Willie's Bar & Grill).  Funny stuff.  The end note offers "apologies to the Highland Falls Chamber of Commerce."  Instead of a center-fold, the editors used the space "to depart from the parody for a moment ..." to present eight wholesome snapshots of "Peggy" who is apparently the daughter of a West Point officer.  There are a few attempts at humor after Peggy including the bizarre "Little Orphan Candy" but Capt. Katenbrink made sure that nobody is offended or amused.  [JAM 4/5/2016]

Front Cover - Peggy
1  What Sort of Man Reads Prayboy?
3  Contents for the Men's Entertainment Magazine
5  Prayboy After Hours by Danihy (drawing by Calabro)
7  The Prayboy Advisor by Bob Huffhines and Danihy
8  Apologies to Sokol (cartoon by Calabro)
10 Shell Servicestein by Grog and Turner
12 On The Town in Highland Falls, New York by Frydrychowski
14 For the Prayboy Who Has Nothing and Cares Less
15 Peggy
19 On the Scene by A. Ross Wollen
20 Prayboy Gift Accessories
21 Vargross (drawing by Grog)
23 Cadet cartoon by "Dink Sniegel" (Calabro)
24 Ripe Old Classic: The Princess and the Frog" by R. Welch Huffhines
25 Prayboy Center Fold-In by Grog
26 Simply Symbols by Grog
28 Little Orphan Candy by "Hardly Cutsit and Willco Inder" (drawings by Ketter)
31 Groghan Wilson cement cartoon by Grog
32 Next Month by Huff(hines)
Back Cover - GT&E (real ad)