Peliboy (Robert M. Wieder) - California Pelican - May 1966 - 56 pages

Published in the same year as the Harvard Lampoon Pl*yb*y, the Peliboy parody of Playboy has similar production qualities and a West Coast attitude, but the humor is significantly below that of Harvard Lampoon.  In fact, I had a hard time finding any humor at all.  For example, "Good Morning, This is the War" is a depressing diary of a "People's Liberation Front" sympathizer who becomes a raving war monger.  It is printed as "lusty humor" but it is anything but humor as it progressively wallows in death and mutilation.  Throughout Peliboy, there are examples of racist and misogynistic comments that one would not expect from a UC Berkeley publication during the peak of "flower power" and constant student protests regarding the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War that had nine more years to run.  With better writers, Peliboy could have become one of the classic college parodies.  The artwork and Playboy-style layouts are much better than average.  As a college student in 1966 I would not have been amused.  And, reading this for the first time 50 years later, I am disappointed.  [JAM 11/9/2016]

Front Cover - Vintage Photograph
2 - Index
3 - Dear Peliboy (fake letters)
5 - Peliboy After Hours
7 - Peliboy Club News
9 - The Peliboy Advisor
11 - Peliboy's Internation Datebook by Patrick A. Saxon
13 - Peliboy Interview: Arthur Cloninger (Hell's Angels)
15 - The Peliboy Philosophy by "God" or "His Majesty Hugh" (editorial)
17 - The Peliboy Mansion by "S. Pussycat" (pictorial)
20 - The Romances of Ivan the Terrible by Susan Savage (drawing by George Fuller)
22 - The Junior Intellectuals by Susan Savage
24 - Batman Bedroom cartoon by "Sukall" (Bud Spindt)
25 - Imbecilic Sex by "Ad Donis"
26 - Miss May: Peliboy's Pelimate of the Month
30 - Peliboy's Potty Jokes
31 - What Sort of Man Reads Peliboy?
33 - Good Morning This is the War ... by Shannon Lewis
34 - The Egg by "P. Ussycat"
37 - Hunting cartoon by "Gahan Gruesome" (O.B.)
38 - Pelimate drawing by Bud Spindt
39 - Good Healthy Sexual Fashions on Campus by "R.S. Again" (attire)
50 - The Girls of Berkeley by J. Stipovich (pictorial)
54 - On the Make (profiles)
Back Cover - Student Union Plaza Store (real ad)