Liberty Number (Fred L. Rogan) - Judge - February 25, 1928 - 32 pages

Liberty magazine (one of several with the same name) was a competing weekly of Judge, Puck, and Saturday Evening Post in the 1920s.  The first issue sold for five cents in 1924.  In those days, the various publications competed for writers and artists as well as circulation customers.  S.J. Perelman was the primary Judge writer although he did not take any direct credit for articles in this parody.  It is not surprising since the writing is so poor that I would not want my name associated with it.  There are two identical photos of the young Mr. Perelman on page 10 ("Two police photographs of the gang leader, revealing his ability to change his features at will.").  The article, "Phantoms of the Dawn" has a character named "Diamond 'Sid' Perelman".  A second article ("My Escape from the Harem") is about the fictional "Princess Abou Ben Perelman."  Both of these articles were probably written by S.J. Perelman.  But, both are works of pure nonsense that seem to be beneath the standards of Perelman humor.  The "Liberty Number" fizzles out after page 21.  For its weekly efforts, Judge struggled to carry the parody magazine through its 32 pages.  [JAM 4/6/2021]

Front Cover: Man rejects issue of Liberty offered by woman (painting by Underwood)
Inside Front Cover: (real ad for Ingram's Shaving Cream)
01 (real ad for Listerine)
02 Puroil (ad parody; drawings uncredited)
03 Editorial {"Companionate Mirage"); In Our Next Issue ("'Hobo' Goliath, the universe's toughest hockey player will tell 'How I broke seven guys' legs ..." etc.)
04 Nevereddy Radio Batteries (ad parody; drawing by R.B. Fuller)
05 My Escape from The Harem ("The following document was found in a bottle on 45th Street ...")
07 The Pyrareo Six (ad parody; drawing by James Trembath)
08 The Clock Strikes 13! by Henry McSeuss Webster (drawing by Jack Rose; possibly written by Theodor Seuss Geisel)
09 S'all Hipockety (ad parody; drawings by Frank Hanley)
10 Phantoms of the Dawn ("Costume worn by Mr. Perelman in the third act furnished by the State of Illinois.")
11-12 [pages missing]
13 News of the World by Clive Weed
14 Salvation, Incorporated by George Jean Nathan (photo by Edward Thayer Monroe)
15 Gamble Soup (ad parody; drawings by C.W. Eax ?)
16 Brummel Bow Co. (ad parody; drawings by Frank Hanley); Slicette (ad parody)
17 How to Choose a Wife by Susie Snoop and Sarah Snapp (drawing by Jefferson Mac Hamer)
18 For the Love o' Pete; Slippona Tablets (ad parody); Halebyer Saxophones (ad parody; drawing by Tousey)
19 Bright Sayings of Children; Velvo (ad parody); (real ad for Murad cigarettes)
20 Somebody's a-Comin' to Our House as Dictated to Toney, Jr., by Antoinette Seuss (possibly written by Dr. Seuss)
21 Winner of Pun Contest ("Moonlight and Rose's"); Sensational Correspondence School (ad parody)
22 My Aeroplane Trip to Chicago by Judge, Jr. (drawings by Jefferson MacHamer)
23 Buller Brush (ad parody; drawing by Tousey); How Good Is Your Bridge Game? by Sidney S. Lenz
24 Sadie Thompson and the Marines Abroad or the Pagan of Pago Pago A Movie Review by Pare Lorentz (by Arthur Lippmann)
25 (real ad for The Literary Guild of America)
26 Holt's Gun (ad parody); Next Week's Issue ("How I Got Alfonso's Adenoids" etc.)
27 Crossword Puzzle; Carnation Reducing Cream (ad parody; drawing by James Trembath)
28 Killing Kibitzers by Sergeant Shuttleworth
29 Getting Away with Murder (drawing bt Ed Geven); Vox Sap (letters; drawing by Tousey); (real ad for Western Clock Co.)
30 (real ads Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, Forhan;s Antiseptic Refreshant, etc.)
31 (real ads for Bayer Aspirin, Hotels Statler: radio in every room, etc.)
32 Good Smarytan (ad parody; drawing by Tousey); Large Evenings by Judgette; Twelve Questions ("answers will be found on page 108")
Inside Back Cover: Judge subscription ad)
Back Cover: real ad for Camel cigarettes