Esquirt (Jeremy H. Dole) - Yale Record - February 1955 - 84 pages

This ambitious parody of Esquire is large (10+ inches by 13+ inches) and long (84 pages).  However, the format is more like a 19th century parody of style rather than the wacky, non-sequitur style of humor found in most post-WWII college parodies.  Articles are well-written but too long and generally involve ironic endings rather than inventive college humor.  The feature article ("You Remember Me Al") by "Ring Larder" consists of a series of colloquial letters with intentionally misspelled words and obvious but unsatisfying endings.  The entire parody appears to be an item-by-item rendering of a current Esquire issue with minor twists and turns.  I cannot imagine that many 1955 students trudged through the whole thing.  The look and art are excellent but the humor is lacking.  The number of pages was probably determined to accommodate the excessive amount of actual paid advertisements.  It appears that only two parody ads were written (pages 64-65) but these are so tame that the average reader may have skipped right past them.  For a high-quality publication, the boys at Yale missed their target this time.  [JAM 8/21/2015]

Front Cover - Bust of Esky wearing a beanie
3  Contents
4  Publisher's Page
6  Editorial: A Farewell to Farms
17 Fashion Finds by R.F. Allen
18 Dining In/Out with Esquirt
20 The Sound and the Fury (letters)
24 Backstage with Esquirt
25 Esquirt on Record
27 Milk Train to Oblivion by E. Harrington Laidlaw
29 Jiggle Belles, Jiggle Belles by James Burke (drawing by Childs)
30 French cartoon by Boff
31 Horn of Plenty by J. Haskell Embree
32 Malice in Wonderland by Clarence Zimmerschnitz
33 Alien cartoon by Grubb
34 Midwinter Night's Dream by Philippe Halsman
36 Hell on Wheels by John Gross
37 In Absentia by Paul Gaulico (drawings by Childs)
40 Ad Nauseum by Richard L. Snops
41 Esquirt's Lady Fair: Rhonda Fonts by Marcia Hellman
43 Butte Street: Frontier Shangri-La by Richard Worsnop (water color by Jaquelin Taylor Robertson)
46 Just One of Those Flings by J. Shelby Stevenson
47 Of Space and Eternity by Stephen S. King
50 You Remember Me Al by Ring Larder
52 Cigarette girl cartoon by Baboon
53 The Screaming Flower by Aubrey Goodman (drawing by Bent)
54 The Chrome Look
57 Harem cartoon
58 Matinee Idyll by Weskit Gibbs
60 Automotive Fashions: The Hydrofire 603 (water color by Russell Childs)
61 The Elephant Graveyard by Jeremy Davidson
62 Pratt: Crossroads of Kansas by Richard Allen
64 Lord Rollo (ad parody)
65 Moon over Flatbush by Richard Worsnop; Lightning Ice Breaker and Drink Mixer (ad parody)
70 Mutt Ado About Nothing by Ronald Bland
80 Talking Shop with Esquirt
Back Cover - Winston cigarettes (real ad)