Bossypants (Tina Fey) - Little, Brown and Company - 2011 - 277 pages

This book was written for young, white women.  There is "too much information" here for a queasy male type.  I felt like I was reading a private diary; or I walked into the ladies room by mistake; or I was trapped in the cosmetics section of CVS.  Young women have such a difficult passage from puberty through high school.  On behalf of immature white males, please accept my sincere apology.  There is a chapter about Tina Fey's father that is terrifying.  I suppose I am fortunate not to have a precocious daughter, but either son could probably write a similar chapter about me.  Fey has a clever writing style but her insecurity is front and center in the early chapters.  I cannot relate one iota to her experiences with peers and theatrical co-workers.  I have enjoyed her writing and acting over the years, but will never again be able to separate her talents from her accounts of early life ordeals.  Men should probably start reading at page 143.  Fey's stories about working on Saturday Night Live and 30 Rock are excellent - the best parts of the biography.  The refreshing aspect of the book is that it is completely devoid of any input by a ghost writer.  Every page is pure Tina Fey with humorous observations and non sequitur throughout.  [JAM 9/1/2016]